Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Five Second Rule!

I may be little but I love my food. I mean I will literally walk over burning flames to get a bag of Cheeto Puffs. Okay maybe not literally but I will walk around you and to grab it...and I will eat it with gusto.

But it's when you're enjoying a Cheeto Puff in the comfort of your own home or while strolling in a meadow. You start with a nibble and then a fawn scampers by. Startled, you drop the Puff onto a daisy or a perfectly clean kitchen floor...depending on whether the fawn has scampered into your house.

Now here's the dilemma. Do you say a few kind words to the Puff and let it die with dignity or do you reach out and pick it right back up?

"Five second rule!" I firmly believe in the FSR. I'm sorry, unless you are eating gum and you drop it in the sandbox, there is nothing wrong with your food. You pick it up, blow on it to get any incidental dirt off, and eat it.

Deal with it. It's just a little dirt. Or maybe not even that. There are starving children in China...live and love the five second rule.

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