Monday, June 21, 2010


Now get your mind out of the gutters long enough to hear me out. This "ooooh" is that sound that someone makes after they've been confused for minutes about something. May it be a math problem or just the directions you were trying to give.

This is that noise that you make when all the little gears finally click.

You get it.

And nothing is more satisfying.

This little phrase may be more rewarding because I teach kids everyday. I love that little moment when they finally, thankfully, get how to divide fraction or factor or whatever. It's, after what feels like 4 hours, of explaining the same thing fifty different ways that you finally did the right thing.

Whatever magic sauce that was contained in your last sentence did the drink. They finally get it.

I also love to have that feeling. Nothing's worse than having someone explain something to you and just sitting there like an idea. I can't tell you how many times my dad tried to teach me about slopes and graphs and such. It was not happening. But then, somehow, he said something about a hill and a skateboarder and falling down and suddenly it all rushed into my brain. I was a slope finder master.

That moment where you let out that "oooooh"...when you finally get it. Just priceless.

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