Thursday, June 24, 2010

We're Here!

I'm not going to lie, I'm really not one for road trips. Never have, never will. I'm rather impatient...much more excited to just get to my destination quickly and in my hotel room with my soda and a pillow.

But, while I'm in the car, I'm often counting down the moments until I'm dry land. Now it's not that I don't enjoy the company but it's probably more the crampy hot queasiness I feel in the front seat of a car.

You're traveling along the highway. It's bumpy. It's boring. The radio's just playing so much U2 and Greenday.

After minutes or even hours in the hot car, the seat belt digging into your skin and the road just a-bumping away, it's this moment where two just delicious words pop into your brain.

Then, you see it. Maybe it's your house. Maybe it's the airport. Maybe it's Disneyland.

It doesn't matter.

You've made it. The drive's over.

We're here!

Now it's time for churro.

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