Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Yeah, They're Right There"

You've got your shoes on.

The coffee's in the mug. You're perfumed and brushed and you're definitely running about five minutes late.

And then you reach into your purse to grab your keys.

No keys.

Well holy crap this is no good.

You rack your brain. When did I last have my keys? Oh yeah, when I was driving. Did I put them in my jacket? Nope. Did I leave them on the counter? Of course not. Hidden under cushions? Not today.

Time is ticking away. Damn keys...why'd you leap off the counter and run's a metal conspiracy to make you late. The cars are all in on it.

Then you run into your roommate. As you have an overwhelming panic episode, you decide...between hyperventilating and ask.

"Hey, you seen my keys?"

"Oh yeah," she replies, pointing to some random basket in the living room, "they're right there."

No more looking. No more freaking out.

The keys are found. And the angels come out, sing a heavenly chorus and all is right with the world.

Nothing is more delicious than freaking out about losing something and having the someone calmly and confidently just point you right to it.

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